Right at the start of the game, you'll probably want to make sure you have somewhere to call home pretty quickly. there's no water, so bulkheads are a bit useless. You can place compartments straight onto the floor and the stability will be fine throughout the base. What You Need To Know About Building Above Landīuilding a base above land is simple, and there is a lot less you need to worry about in terms of hull strength, reinforcements, and foundations. Check out our full guide here for the exact location of the fragment. You can find the fragment at the Delta Station, Koppa Ming Site, Outpost Zero, or the Twisty Bridges biome. The Habitat Builder fragment is needed to craft the tool. Multiple modules can be attached without worrying about hull integrity, since this not a factor when you're building on the land. You'll need stairs to reach your compartment. Add the required resources, and ta-da! Your first building module is complete.You can adjust the module's rotation and then place the building.The game doesn't like some spots, but with a bit of trial and error, you can usually get there. Green is the color you're looking for, which can be a bit trickier when building above ground. Select the module you want to build in the Habitat Compartments tab.Open the crafting menu with the Habitat Builder.