the role of mitosis in the cell cycle is to replicate the genetic material in an existing cell-known as the “parent cell”-and distribute that genetic material to two new cells, known as “daughter cells.”. (marek kultys wikimedia commons) what is mitosis? mitosis is a process that occurs during the cell cycle. this project can be used to supplement lessons on cells and processes that. when all of the pictures are drawn, flip through the pages to watch your animation of a cell dividing. end on the 12th page with a drawing of cytokinesis, where the cell is split into two cells. Again, continue on the 10th and 11th pages with middle and late telophase. the mitosis you see here took about 10 minutes from start to finish. in this stage of drosophila development, nuclei divide very rapidly without cell division and the divisions are synchronized.
What is it? this series of images depicts the process of mitosis in the early embryo of the fruit fly, drosophila melanogaster.